Wednesday, May 20, 2009

JavaOne Talk: Reversible Numbers

See this post about why this code is being shown. This is a different algorithm, it is a brute force solution to Project Euler problem #145. Here is the Java "reference" implementation.

public class Reversible {
final int max;
final int numReversible;

public Reversible(int max){
this.max = max;
this.numReversible = this.countReversible();

private int countReversible(){
if (numReversible > 0){
return numReversible;
int cnt = 0;
for (int i=11;i<=max;i++){
if (reversible(i)) {
return cnt;

private boolean reversible(int n){
return allOdd(reverse(n));

private boolean allOdd(int n){
while (n > 0){
int remainder = n % 2;
if (remainder == 0) return false;
n = n / 10;
return true;

private int reverse(Integer n){
char[] digits = n.toString().toCharArray();
char[] rev = new char[digits.length];
for (int i=digits.length-1;i>=0;i--){
rev[i] = digits[digits.length -i-1];
return n + Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(rev));

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