Friday, January 29, 2010

The iPad: A Brave New World

Has any piece of technology ever been more anticipated than the iPad? Has anything created as many extreme reactions? Has anything generated as much immediate ridicule?

Anyways, there are a lot of opinions out there, including some very good ones. I really like Alex Payne's take on the iPad. His post led me to Daniel Tenner's analysis, which is probably the closest thing I have seen to my own opinion. While we are at it, I think Timothy Blee's case against the iPad is definitely worth a read. Adobe's Mike Chambers has a very predictable reaction, but is still worth a read as well. But who cares about those guys, you're reading this because you want my brilliant insights, right?

I think the iPad is Apple's boldest move since the 80's. In the 80's, they liberally borrowed a lot of existing ideas and added some of their own twists to reinvent personal computing. It was no longer the command line driven process. There no need for Unix or DOS. The iPad is equally ambitious. 

Over the last two years, Apple has had a chance to experiment with a new kind of computing. The iPhone is accurately described as very capable personal computer that fits in your pocket. With it, Apple changed the way a user interacted with their computer. There was no more mouse, yet the keyboard was rarely needed. There was very little physical media to interact with, i.e. no floppy disks, CDs, or DVDs, only a very occasional physical linking to a desktop/laptop. Apple gave software developers a much more limited environment than they had ever had to deal with. Compared to desktop computer software, iPhone software is amazingly limited in how it can interact with the system (the iPhone). The distribution model was also controlled in a way rarely seen before. Apple had to approve your applications before they could be sold to users.

Yet even in this most restricted of environments, software developers have flourished. Why? As Joe Hewitt wisely points out, many of these restrictions really are for the best. I can install any app from the App Store, and I don't have to worry about it harming my iPhone. This is in stark contrast to desktop software, particularly the ubiquitous world of Windows. 

But wait, it's worse. At least if you're a software developer. The Draconian distribution machine that is the App Store and its approval process is a key part of this peace of mind given to iPhone users. It also makes their lives much easier. Just go to the App Store, and you can find whatever kind of software that you are looking for. Or just browse the games, or maybe lifestyle or social media apps, and you can find something interesting. Reviews are built right into the system. It could get better, and Apple is working on this with their Genius system, but it beats the heck out of anything else out there. 

The iPad takes this new model of personal computing and packages it into a personal computer. The iPad does not invent a new category. Just like the iPhone, it is going after an existing huge category, only this time it is the desktop/laptop category. Yes, this happens to be a category that Apple already plays in and is having a lot of success in. That is part of why this is so bold. The iPad is not going after the statistically insignificant category known as netbooks. Apple does not aim so low. Instead it is going after every person who owns a laptop.

Perhaps you think I am overstating, that Apple is not as bold as I claim. There were four new apps that Apple unveiled along with the iPad. One of those is iBooks, and I won't bother too much with that. The other three were Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. This is Apple's office suite. These are competitors of Microsoft's Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Now you can read many Office documents on an iPhone, but it is largely a read-only experience. These are not read programs. These are content creation programs. If you think about the history of Apple, could there be anything more symbolic than them shipping a word processing application with their new computing platform? 

I bought my wife a laptop a couple of years ago. It was essential for her to have Office on it. Word processors and spreadsheets are the meat and potatoes of desktop software. Of course she uses photo management and media management software too. All of these things are available on the iPad. The truth is she could easily replace her laptop with an iPad. It would be easier for her to carry around, have better battery life, and the 3G would work even if she was visiting her mother (who does not have wi-fi.)

Think about all of the people whose job involves a computer. For most people, could they not do their job on an iPad? Wouldn't it even be easier in many cases? Of course it would be more convenient, again because of the size, battery life, and always being connected.

Now there will definitely be some people who cannot use an iPad for their job. I am one of those people. Maybe you could write code on it ok, but compile/debug? Don't think so. Designers who do intense things with Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. will need more than an iPad, too. Ditto for scientists, engineers, etc. There are more groups as well, but it's still probably a minority. For all of those people who have to do a lot of typing? Well there's a dock for that. You get the idea.

Apple is offering a new model for personal computing. They are attempting to disrupt an entire industry, once again. The iPad is not a big iPod Touch or a big iPhone. It is not Apple's attempt to go after Amazon's Kindle. It is an attempt to dominate in a way that even Microsoft never got close to. Apple is going to every person who owns a computer and saying "look there's another, better, easier way." I think it's an all-or-nothing bet. The iPad is either a world changer, or a total failure. Which one will it be? 

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This morning, my co-worker Jason Swartz had the great idea of a conference focussing on JVM languages. This seemed like a particularly good idea, given the uncertainty surrounding JavaOne. Personally, I think the JavaOne powers-that-be have done a good job showcasing other languages, especially the last two years. Anyways, I joked that we could probably host it at our north campus, since it has proper facilities and regularly hosts medium sized conferences,  and that we just needed the support of folks from the Groovy, JRuby, Scala, and Clojure communities. A lot of folks seemed to like the idea, and had some great feedback/questions. So let me phrase some of these questions in the context of "a JavaOne-ish replacement, focussing on alternative languages on the JVM, but ultimately driven by the community". Ok here are some of the questions.

1.) What about Java?
2.) What about languages other than Groovy, JRuby, Scala, and Clojure?
3.) What about first class technologies with their roots in Java, like Hadoop, Cassandra, etc.?

Certainly I have opinions on some of these, but obviously any kind of effort like this requires huge participation from the developer community. So what do you think? What other questions need to be asked? If there is enough interest, I will definitely try to organize it. So please leave comments below!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stop the IE6 Hate

For a long time now, it has been common for developers to go on and on about how they hate IE6 and how users needed to be discouraged from using. It's gotten old. It's trite. It's time to move on. 

IE6 has become a non-factor for most sites. It trails far behind IE7 and IE8, not to mention Firefox. And of course, its numbers are always shrinking. I know that at a certain popular website that I happen to work for, we no longer test for IE6. It's been that way for us for 6+ months. It's over.

So now that it's over, there are some things that I want to see. First, I want to see all of those JavaScript libraries that everyone uses, drop their IE6 code branches. Shouldn't jQuery, Prototype, ExtJS, Dojo, etc. all be able to shave off a huge amount of their code? Shouldn't these libraries now progress even faster since they don't have to worry about IE6? Similarly, GWT and similar libraries should benefit as well. Websites should be able to remove some CSS hacks as well, though not all of them... 

Next, I want to see the same passionate disdain directed towards IE7. Now IE7 is not the bug ridden beast that IE6 was. Instead, IE7 is basically a properly patched IE6. As a developer, you would definitely prefer to deal with IE7. It works differently from all other browsers, but it is relatively consistent in the way it works. You could not say this about IE6. However, IE8 is much closer to the rest of the world. If IE7 were to drop off to obscurity like IE6 has done, then imagine the benefits. There would be far less need to write things in a different way for IE. There would be far less need for conditional CSS. 

So stop hating on IE6. Move on. Start taking advantage of a world where IE6 is irrelevant.  And if you still want to hate, start hating on IE7. With a passion.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Strikethrough Android

There are a lot of people working on mobile applications these days. Some of them are experienced mobile developers. Maybe they were doing J2ME or Brew apps in the past, and now they are probably happy to be doing iPhone or Android development. However, I would wager that a majority of current iPhone and Android developers were not doing mobile a few years ago. Maybe they were doing desktop development, or maybe they were doing web development. For these folks, it can be very surprising how tricky it is to do some (seemingly) simple things. Case in point, strikethrough text.

If you ever need to do this in Android, here is how you do it, or at least a relatively simple way I found to do it. If you just search the Android documentation, you will find this reference page. As you can see for static text, it really is quite simple. It is very similar to doing it in HTML.
    <string id="@+id/strike_one"><strike>Strike one!</strike></string>
Nice! Android rocks! But what if your text is dynamic? Well if you keep reading the documentation referenced above, you get into the world of Spannable. This sounds good at first, because it sounds like it's again inspired from HTML. If you look at the sample, it is not so simple. Still, it's not too hard, maybe just a little awkward. But wait, there's more. The class most commonly used for text, TextView, is not a Spannable. Instead, you must use an EditText, which is a subclass of TextView. This is a class that you would not normally use for normal text on the screen, instead you would use it for a text input field.
Turns out there is an easy way to strikethrough a TextView after all. Well easy, if you don't mind use some bit twiddling:
TextView someLabel = (TextView) findViewById(;
someLabel.setPaintFlags(someLabel.getPaintFlags() | Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG);
What is going on here? For painting text, there are several bit flags for doing things like bold, italics, and yes strikethrough. So to enable the strikethrough, you need to flip the bit that corresponds to this flag. The easiest way to do this is to use a bitwise-or on the current flags and a constant that corresponds to a set of flags with only the strikethrough flag enabled. For any other bit flags that are already set, this will have no effect. Actually if the strikethrough flag happened to be already set, this will have no effect. However, if it is not set, then it will flip it, so that it will be set and thus add a nice strikethrough effect.