Friday, September 07, 2007

GWT 1.4

I recently finished writing a series of four articles for IBM on GWT. You might recall that earlier this year I wrote a two-part tutorial on GWT. The new articles for IBM aren't as introductory, though they don't require a lot of prior GWT knowledge. They're definitely more advanced though. I wrote the articles using the 1.4 release candidates, and then last week 1.4 went final. So I figured it was time to look at how GWT has progressed since the last time I wrote about it.

  • Cross Platform Problems -- Hard for me to say how much things progressed. I did almost everything on my MacBook, and things had always worked well on OSX. I did do a little on Windows. I had to do a little more configuration to get it to correctly run in hosted mode than I did on OSX.
  • Obfuscation -- Still a problem. Of course you can turn it off, which is good. Still, I pity the fool trying to debug GWT JS in Firebug.
  • No Java 5 -- Still a problem. GWT will choke on a List, but String[] is ok. Also, any annotations will choke it as well. So no returning @Entity classes from your RPC services.
  • Lots of boilerplate code to write -- Still a problem. You still have to write two interfaces and one class to create an RPC service. Inserting GWT into an existing page is easier, with just a single JS file to include.
  • Better build support needed -- This has a improved a little. The ant script that is generated is slightly more useful than the previous version. Still frustrating that there's no build script generated for creating a WAR file. You don't have to use GWT with a Java application server, but obviously a lot of people are. The RPC services require it as well.
  • RPC is bad -- Of course that can't change! RPC is still bad. I like how in the documentation, the GWT team mentions two different design philosophies for RPC services. One is to create RPC's specifically for the web application. The other is to have general purpose ones that can be re-used by many clients. Good luck on that last one. That would mean your general purpose services can only accept and return classes from the subset of Java 1.4 that GWT supports.

So that addresses my old pain points. Not much progress has been made. There are some new good points.

  • Performance improvements -- Ok, they've really done a good job here. Things are snappy even on a page where you use lots of generated JS to create your UI.
  • More Widgets -- Steady progress has been made here. You can get pretty far just using their widgets. I haven't tried out any of the commercial WYSIWYGs built for GWT, but these seem more viable and useful with more widgets. Of course, their widgets are very limited. They definitely aren't components. Compare a GWT widget to a Flex component, for example, and it's not even funny. GWT's widgets are pretty lightweight, but are low in functionality compared to similar abstractions found in similar frameworks.
  • Image Bundles -- Very cool new feature. I like how they use CSS to get nice layout of the images from the bundle. It seems like a great way to optimize the static assets in your app. Seems like it might play tricks with a user who wants to right-click on one of your images and do save-as, but oh well.
  • Localization -- This has always been there, but it seems better documented and exposed now. Plus there is a command line tool for it. It's pretty nice, though I question the logic behind doing your localization in code that is going to be converted to JavaScript and executed on the client.

So all in all, GWT has made some nice improvements and added some new features. They have not addressed the things that are their most blaring weaknesses (IMO), but then again those are probably the hardest things to address. I was surprised though. From my last big write up, I got a lot of feedback from people talking about how these exact issues were being addressed, i.e. that the work was already in progress. Was that really the case?

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