Saturday, March 17, 2007


I've been very interested in Dave Winer's recent musings on Twitter. I had originally thought that Twitter seemed like something only MySpacers could get into, but Dave is no MySpacer. So I decided to sign up, and was pleased that michaelg was still available. I always check for mikeg (my email in college was, how cool is that?) and then for michaelg. Anyways, I'm giving it a try. I'm really impressed with their SMS and IM integration. It's cool that I can just IM my twitter buddy on GTalk to post updates (why is there no Yahoo IM Twitter buddy???) I think I can SMS updates too, as well as receive updates. It's also cool that there's an RSS feed for my updates. I'm sure that's what got Mr. RSS to start playing with it. I also put a Twitter widget on my blog.

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