Sunday, March 25, 2007

GWT, Eclipse, and JUnit -- Rants

I love the ideas behind the GWT command line tools. They remind me a lot of Ruby on Rails. They seem to have some surprising shortcomings though. The projectCreator works pretty good for creating an Eclipse project. However, it doesn't include the gwt-dev-.jar (for example gwt-dev-windows.jar) in the classpath of the project. So you can't launch in Hosted Mode because the executable class is in that jar. Thus you can't use the Eclipse debugger either. If you add the jar to your project classpath, it seems a little better. You still need to configure the run profile, similar to how the -shell script does. Seems like these are obvious things that the projectCreator could do.

The junitCreator seems even worse. It needs a GWT module name, but none of the artifacts created by the applicationCreator or projectCreator contain this. The .gwt.xml file has the module of course, but not it's name. It took me some trial and error to get this right. Even when I did, I could only launch my unit tests using the generated command line tools. I could launch these files directly from Eclipse, but I couldn't launch the unit tests using Eclipse. Thus I could not attach Eclipse's debugger.

I'm sure there's a way to do this. I'm sure that either I 1.)didn't use the right junitCreator command option, 2.) need to configure my project differently, or 3.) need to configure my run/debug profiles differently. Whatever this case, this is all very un-Ruby on Rails like.

Oh, one last complaint. The projectCreator has an option for generating an Ant file. That is borderline useless. The build file only builds a JAR and does not include the gwt compiler as part of the build. Guess what, if you're using gwt, you're building web applications. You don't need a JAR you need a WAR, and you need it to include all the web files, i.e. all that gwt-generated JavaScript. You need a web.xml file, which gwt knows how to generate (it creates one when you launch web mode.) WAR files have a very standardized structure, so this should not be very hard. Just package up what gets deployed to the bundled Tomcat in web mode.

Update: Strangely I don't have a lot of these same problems when I run everything on a Mac. No idea why, since even though the command line tools are platform specific and some of the runtime is platform specific, one would think that the underlying Java code that creates the projects, artifacts, etc. is pretty much the same.

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