Friday, February 09, 2007

Outlook 2007 Breaks Funambol Sync

For some reason, Outlook 2007 breaks Funambol sync. The plugin (which just gives you a little button in Outlook to launch the sync program) won't load. I thought that was OK, I had Funambol set to sync automatically anyways, I didn't need to launch it from Outlook. Unfortunately, that stopped working too. It seemed to read all the events from my calendar in Outlook, but then would fail when sync'ing to ScheduleWorld (which in turn sync'ed to my Google Calendar.) Maybe the data coming from Outlook was causing a problem, who knows. I updated my Funambol plugin, but to no avail.

Outlook 2007 does allow export to a "Office Online" calendar. That works very nicely. There is even an iCal for the calendar. I tried to then add that calendar to Google Calendar, using it's iCal, but it did not work. Google Calendar would accept it at first, then a little while later would complain about not being able to open some URL.

So my wonderful utopia of having auto-sync of my work calendar to Google Calendar so that it was easily viewable by me or my wife is over for now. With Outlook 2007 I can subscribe to my own calendar, which works great. I can't subscribe to my wife's, probably because of security. At least I can see upcoming personal appointments on my Outlook calendar at work.


  1. Hi Michael,
    I run into this blog by chance..

    May I ask you some more info? For instance, which version of the plugin are you using? Did you already reported the issue on the mailing list, or in the tracker? It would be of great help to have feedbacks from all our users.

    Thanks for using Funambol :)


  2. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Hi Michael,
    I found this blog by chance!

    It's bad to hear that you hear that you have problems with the plugin, but if you could report the issue to the Funambol mailing list, or to the bug tracker, this would be of much help, possibly with some details (the plugin version, the client log).

    Thanks for using Funambol :)


  3. I had been successfully using version 3.0.7 of the plugin. When it stopped working after I upgraded to Outlook 2007, I upgraded the plugin to 3.0.15. It did not work either.

    I did not report the issue to any mailing lists or bug trackers. I have four pieces of software in play, Outlook 2007, Funambol plugin, ScheduleWorld web app, and Google Calendar. I figured any problem reported would just result in finger pointing :-)

  4. Anonymous10:08 PM

    If you would like to try it out, the new alpha version is out (6.0.3).
    If you are willing to make some tests, you can find it on Objectweb (
    I'd suggest you to try with a dummy profile, to not damage your data (it's still at alpha stage, no warranty ;) ).
    And, please do ask and share your issues on the list (

    The most you risk is to get no answers! :)

